23 September 2012

Tornfly - 3013: Chapter One

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0090
Traditional Electronic, Psy-Ambient

A dramatic cosmic saga about the distant future. The triumph of the technology should have given infinite facilities, but the human race becomes unsatisfied with things been conquered. Envy and greed erode souls of citizens of the Solar System Federation. The great scientific achievements get at the service of bad aspirations and lead to the cold war. As a result of the turmoil the real military actions break out. However, the great minds foretell an attainment into a new level, hitherto unknown to the mankind. Severe, long-lasting war should become the last frontier ahead of the opening of the new opportunities.

20 September 2012

Ptarkh - Dust

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0089
Industrial, Dark Ambient

Time has no meaning for the ones who are not of flesh and blood. Only the mortals build their citadels to hide away from danger, but still the darkness creeps relentless beneath their walls. The spirits of dusk dash into the strongholds, pass through the reinforced gates, fly over the deep ditches and raised bridges getting through the walls right into the private room to devour your soul. Those who try to trust the stone and carve their memories in solid rock are pathetic... For every monument someday will turn to dust.

15 September 2012

WMRI - In Frozen Drones

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0088
Dark Ambient

There is no whit of warmth and comfort in the terrible cold land at the edge of the world, and no way out off there. Broken silhouettes of ice sculptures seem to express a desperate rush stopped by merciless frost till the end of time. The soil consisting of a mixture of ice and gray lifeless earth, is mangled with cracks, fathomless craters and heaving upward faults. Warped by tectonic movements, strata appear as if the fiery giants struggled with one another crushing subtle creations of the natural masters and left only ruins, which became the kingdom for the restless blizzard. Life is impossible in this territory of evil, and any attempt to survive is the hopeless struggle with uncaring elemental force. There is only droning hum is heard around: irrepressible incessant moan of the planet tortured with the glacial sore.

14 September 2012

Rigel Centaurus - Atlas Coelestis

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0087

Stars have been plotted to a celestial map since the man raised his head to the night sky. He has collected the thoughts of his ancestors to build the real image and comprehension of the natural phenomenon seen above. The wonderful mystic world has opened before him holding its own order of things interaction. Even using the common sense you could feel the majesty and beauty of the bright shining eyes of the universe that form from nothing, live their long-term life and finally either blast with a celebrated supernova or fade quietly stubbing out the radiance.

13 September 2012

Kenji - Daylight

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0086
Indietronica, Chillout, IDM

Let us tell you the story about wondering and dancing whole day and night. Moving to the beat of the common day you should still collect and share the emotions, think of the high matter and keep the faith in the future. An energetic rhythmic flow of mellow and forceful tunes that should lead you through the unity and diversity of the world of emotional states under the sun. Just lend yourself in hands of the groove!

11 September 2012

Melong - Beyond

Record: 2010-2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0085
Psy-Ambient, Experimental

Things can be really different if you take a look through a prism of imagination. Modern image gives a unique futuristic view on the relics of the past ages. Like an idea of cyber monk that beats the spectral gong of the universe. Pushed to the future, ancient artifacts may get more spiritual and powerful. And this is the moment when you see a thunderous temple drawing its tentacles in all directions: over the horizon, above the sky and underneath the ground. The odd hoary structure possible in the world that is beyond the notion.

31 August 2012

WMRI - Moon Events

Record: 2009 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0084
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School, Space

On the 30th September 2009 there was an idea of performing live on streaming radio. StreamerP2P was chosen as a platform. In some days all the preparations were made and one hour live show was performed on the 4th November. Almost complete improvisation! Only about 10 listeners though. But here it is available again in slightly remastered form and with bonus studio track from the 5th November.

28 August 2012

Saty - Undercurrent

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0083
Drone Ambient, Dark Ambient

Could you imagine drowning in an impersonal spiraling pool? This is the breathtaking feeling of the irresistible movement to an end. Crossing the edge, you fall into the vast undercurrent. The other side that is weird and inconceivable, but it's right before your eyes. The impossible world of strange omnidirectional streams, areas of void, fractal tunnels and mental doors. Diverse obscure moves, eruptions and morphs around are your immediate milieu. There is no necessity to dispose their attention. Just stay perceiving your naughtiness forever.

Exalot - Memoirs Fiola

Record: 1997-2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0082
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth, Berlin School

This vintage electronic album sounds like it was taken from the dusty vaults of some 80s studio. Genuine atmosphere takes you back. The small piece of lost sunny golden age of music.

Soft Note - Spiritscapes

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0081
Score, Ambient

This album is an attempt to combine orchestral music with soundscapes. It can be called psychedelic in some ways. The shape and dynamics of sound worth some special attention as they create otherworld landscapes. All kinds of spectral colours are exercised to piece it together. I hope my work will give free scope to your imagination.