Record: 2015-2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1707.0368
Psy-Ambient, World, Trance
Mankind loves mysteries... Whatever success the science achieves, we still continue to seek far beyond its limits. Who are we? What am “I”? Is it just a body or brain? Or a thought? And where are my own borders? Can I evolutionize endlessly? Since ancient times tribes besought for the sacraments. For centuries lonesome stalkers tried to comprehend sacral secrets. We have even penetrated into the atom in order to take more and to make the greatest. We imagine, conceptualize, dream! The fantasy draws images of our infinite possession and control over matter and journeys out of the worlds. In our fairytales heroes awake dragons, dig into Earth’s entrails, re-create the Paradise... Who are we but the race of scientists conducting experiments with ourselves? What else shall we imagine about the world and about ourselves, and where the wings of adventures will bring us in coming centuries?