Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

20 February 2018

Marcus Denight - Legends of the Imminent Winter

Record: 2016 • Edition: 2018 • USC-WR-1802.0403
Traditional Electronic, New Age

The silent winter chill gave sparkling tenderness. Blue freshness blazed, pushing away chains of darkness. And in this snowy tanglement the distance shone under the moonlight. Windy dreams hurried to the cold branches. Fluffy snow like shores of glowing vasts; the azure of skies is home of clearness: shaky shapes are barely visible through blueness. Round dance of memories circled loudly along with it in motion of frozen sounds in crystal icy whiteness. And there’s is incomprehensible mystery hidden in every snowflake fallen to the ground. Late sunrises meet someone’s dreams, while winter outside the window is composing a new legends — legends of the imminent winter...

16 February 2018

Aquatone - Mental Images

Record: 2015-2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1707.0368
Psy-Ambient, World, Trance

Mankind loves mysteries... Whatever success the science achieves, we still continue to seek far beyond its limits. Who are we? What am “I”? Is it just a body or brain? Or a thought? And where are my own borders? Can I evolutionize endlessly? Since ancient times tribes besought for the sacraments. For centuries lonesome stalkers tried to comprehend sacral secrets. We have even penetrated into the atom in order to take more and to make the greatest. We imagine, conceptualize, dream! The fantasy draws images of our infinite possession and control over matter and journeys out of the worlds. In our fairytales heroes awake dragons, dig into Earth’s entrails, re-create the Paradise... Who are we but the race of scientists conducting experiments with ourselves? What else shall we imagine about the world and about ourselves, and where the wings of adventures will bring us in coming centuries?

25 December 2017

Derek Nigell - Distant Ocean

Record: 2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1712.0393
Space Ambient, Berlin School, New Age

Boundless ocean has opened his embrace... He shall thrill me with his tremendous majesty! He bathed tenderly the planet’s coasts with waves, and has compounded the mysteries and riddles, having hidden depths from us. He has paved the depth contour of weird tablelands and basins with nautic creatures. And sounds of magical waves, seagulls’ cry and dolphins’ voice, the low bass of whales – everything is dear to my heart! He has opened the miraculous distant world before our eyes, and enchanted us with its variety. Oh Ocean, you are endless in your magnificence! We tried so long to comprehend you: your vasts are indomitable, secrets are almost unknown, thoughts are beyond all reason! And a sailor begs for a grace taking road, while mothers and wives await for their relatives. Oh Ocean, you are the life of Earth, its salt, the embodiment of world’s harmony, I sing a hymn in your honor!

23 December 2017

Aquatone - Synthetic Clouds

Record: 2011-2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1712.0391
Futurepop, Spacesynth

You know, as they used to say: “there is a cloudless future ahead of us!”, without investing much meaning into these words. Why do the clouds really matter? Sometimes they hide the Sun and the stars, and emit the light as by themselves, creating a unique spectacle. Silently floating across the sky they remind us of something familiar – the silhouettes of people and animals, the outlines of things – and go on their way, fragile and changeable. Who would have thought that the future without clouds is capable of destroying life on the planet… Man treated nature so carelessly: exploited its resources, caused technogenic disasters, polluted the atmosphere and in every possible way crippled the unfortunate Earth. In the end she could not stand it – something broke in the ecosystem, and the climate changed. The clouds, which served as a natural shield against harmful ultraviolet, melted. As explained by scientists, the circulation of water vapor in the atmosphere was disrupted. The sky appeared forbidden. Even a short stay under it became deadly. Many forms of life unable to adapt to new conditions became extinct, others had to look for ways to survive. Then the top brains threw all their forces to search for the solution and found it – the synthesis of the clouds. The construction of cloud factories was unfolded, and soon clouds appeared again in the firmament. And one day the world woke up under a new artificial sky.

30 October 2017

Derek Nigell & Randolf Scand - Up There Into the Shining Mountscapes

Record: 2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1710.0385
Space Ambient, Electro, Chillout

Mountain hiking... This allegorically affects all our achievements. We dream of new peaks, and we wish for them. We feel the wind in our wings and, collecting our strength, carry the mountain slopes by assault. And there, soaring above the mortal world, we behold majestic snowy peaks, towering the crystal heights and glittering only for us. Higher, where new opportunities arise, filling our souls with thrill, where discoveries await us, calling to new victories. What for would you go through the cold fibers of fog there, into the unknown? Mountains and achievements are the reasons worth to give our best!

7 July 2013

Carlo Celuque - Cyber Love

Record: 2001-2006 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1307.0165
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth, New Age

The virtual reality interferes into the most private spheres of human life, sometimes defining his destiny...

30 December 2012

AlmA - Winter Fairy Tale

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1212.0135
Score, New Age

A continuous music play beginning with the coming of winter-tide, its sorcery, kind and enchanting, but turning then into blizzard's fury, its dark witchery and finally into victory over fierce winter, when the breath of spring spreads through all the air.

Redgloam - Antarctica

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1212.0134
Psy-Ambient, Trip-Hop

The land of secrets hidden well within glacial masses. The land where day can last for a half-year, and night too. Endless white realms, as open as mysterious. Come make your own discoveries with these graceful tunes.

14 October 2012

WMRI - Aquamarine Meadows

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0112
Space Utopia

The rays of sun take turns with shadows cast by clouds. Soft wind caresses waves of grass on the vast meadows, and the land seems to be made of deep transparent aquamarine.

WMRI - Heliodor Waterfall

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0111

Peaceful river can be very insidious. At some point the stream becomes faster. Rapid waters carry away everything that get into the flow and lead it to an edge. And then the enormous cascade rushes from the eminence glowing in the sun with deep heliodor.

WMRI - Zircon Volcano

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0110
Space, Tribal

This release concentrates on volcanoes, treats these timeless giants with the deepest distinction - creators of planets and destroyers of civilizations. Two tracks express the two visions of the element. The first part tells about ancient fire ritual of unknown tribe that acknowledged the volcano as a devastating force and considered it as a tribute. The second part is more abstract and accented on the beauty of eruption and lava stream of deep zircon color.

13 October 2012

WMRI - Kunzite Bay

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0109

Surrounding evening atmosphere over the quiet bay. The calm water surface reflects mystical glowing of kunzite sunset.

WMRI - Opal Forest

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0108

Evening rays reach the glades and forest soil. Glowing sun colors leaves and branches into deep orange. Quiet marsh reflects like a mirror tracing specks of light. Whole forest is burning in opal fire.

WMRI - Celestine Glacier

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0107

Frozen iceland invites you to it's cold ancient cradle. Sparkling on the sun and glowing with celestine it has a lot to show you. Formed by wind and water it appears to be a magnificent monument of the ages past and contains an unknown mystery deep inside.

12 October 2012

WMRI - Chrysolite Swamp

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0106

Slow moving of life in marshland, minimal water movements. But it gets more active in times.

WMRI - Sapphire Mountains

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0105

Blue peaks tear the sky materia making the sound of resonating sapphires.

11 October 2012

WMRI - Ruby Canyon

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0102

Sound of canyon in two parts. Dense textures and minimal variation.

15 September 2012

WMRI - In Frozen Drones

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0088
Dark Ambient

There is no whit of warmth and comfort in the terrible cold land at the edge of the world, and no way out off there. Broken silhouettes of ice sculptures seem to express a desperate rush stopped by merciless frost till the end of time. The soil consisting of a mixture of ice and gray lifeless earth, is mangled with cracks, fathomless craters and heaving upward faults. Warped by tectonic movements, strata appear as if the fiery giants struggled with one another crushing subtle creations of the natural masters and left only ruins, which became the kingdom for the restless blizzard. Life is impossible in this territory of evil, and any attempt to survive is the hopeless struggle with uncaring elemental force. There is only droning hum is heard around: irrepressible incessant moan of the planet tortured with the glacial sore.

5 August 2012

Dmitriy Samoylenko - Explorer's Tales

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0073
Space, New Age, Tribal

The culture of storytelling have survived through many centuries. Stories and tales told by unknown authors are passed through generations and refuse to leave. This is because of their lucid idea that is inside us. This is the timeless message of peace and harmony with nature that becomes a question of escalating importance with each leaving age. There were indigenous tribes and clans of different beliefs and customs living in every area, only taking the needed and making the most of every vital source. They believed that Universe was bound together by the spirits within nature: life, plants, animals, humans, water and even the Earth.

7 June 2012

Vitaliy Baldych - The Seagull

Record: 2009-2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0060
New Age, Relax

“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite.”
— Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.