Showing posts with label Wise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wise. Show all posts

10 February 2018

Vortex Mechanic - Questions to Eternity

Record: 2016-2017 • Edition: 2018 • USC-WR-1705.0360
Space Ambient, Noise Ambient

Whole life consists of questions. We begin to ask them when we realize ourselves as a person, and continue until we dissolve into nothingness. On the path of life we ​​are accompanied by a variety of doubts and fears – they hide deep inside, even if we do not notice it. Once alone in the face of Eternity, we encounter our own existential fears. Our mind has protective mechanisms that defend us. But even they can fall under the pressure of circumstances, breaking the worldview, leading to uncertainty, indifference and loss of faith in everything, giving rise to doubt in the meaningfulness of life without a higher destiny. Religion was once an effective answer to all questions. Faith in a just God who will never leave us alone, saved us from the pain of reason, giving the will to existence. However, reality poses more and more questions, on which religions are not able to give adequate answers. Humanity was exposed defenseless to the soulless eyes of Eternity. And it has to find what question to ask.

1 September 2017

Randolf Scand - Renaissance XXI

Record: 2002-2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1709.0375
Traditional Electronic, Space Ambient

At all the times mankind has been searching for the ways to a New Life. The strongest, the most purposeful have been paving the paths to the Light. When their efforts got united, there has come the age of Renaissance. The seeds of Truth have been sown amongst the people, the most observant of which perceived the Call. So take the Call! Many of people are used to live by earthly matters, but our way is cosmic. Here it is: The bequeathed Brotherhood of all the mankind, Created by Stellar children, Who were born in the stream of Boosted evolution By His unbelievable grace. The Supreme has sown the seed, concealed and saved it. And the age of Renaissance has come. In the name of the most daring ideas. In the name of the craziest hopes. In the name of the Renaissance.

17 April 2013

Dmitriy Samoylenko - The Miracle of Practice

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1304.0159
Ambient, New Age

Spiritual becoming is an integral part of common life. This music reflects pure emotions of discovering the new horizons and encountering the most complex tasks for reaching the heights. But achievement of specific goals has no sense, for the way to knowledge has no end. You have to realize that journey is important by itself.

1 August 2012

hash-head - Гиперборея (Hyperborea)

Record: 2009-2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0071
Traditional Electronic, Space

On the far north edge of the world there's a land called Hyperborea. The sun always shines over it making the day feel endless. There's no way you get there, it's like a mirage that disappears right before your eyes. The unknown civilization that found the ability to reach the sky and space lives there and keeps the secret of their luck and happiness. But some of their knowledge was taken by wind and light and spread all over the world. The information on what do they think about the world around and how it influences them. The only special thing: it's transcribed into musical form.

24 March 2012

Dmitriy Samoylenko - The Elements of Knowledge

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1203.0034
New Age, Smooth Jazz, Space

An attempt to transfer through emotional form, through the music some keys to understanding of our world. Everybody has its own vision, but the reality is the same, and the difference is only in the prism of our perception. A tale is dedicated to sequential stages of consciousness development: from wanderings of the mind and ties of social patterns to the first rays of enlightenment and awareness of the world order in complex experiences on the way of cognition leading to the meeting with yourself.

23 February 2012

Holzweg - The Birds

Record: 2007 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1202-0022
Ambient, Modern Classical, New Age

This album of Holzweg combines melodic electronic music with chillout and new age moods. Dreamy and light compositions draw images of a morning city covered with shining haze in sunrise. Slow parts of music evoke a sense of thoughtful tranquility, and more dynamic tunes transform it into waiting of a new day, full of experiences, but not fussy. Run of time seems to slow down to allow us to feel and to see all beauty and majesty of this world.