Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts

1 September 2017

Randolf Scand - Renaissance XXI

Record: 2002-2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1709.0375
Traditional Electronic, Space Ambient

At all the times mankind has been searching for the ways to a New Life. The strongest, the most purposeful have been paving the paths to the Light. When their efforts got united, there has come the age of Renaissance. The seeds of Truth have been sown amongst the people, the most observant of which perceived the Call. So take the Call! Many of people are used to live by earthly matters, but our way is cosmic. Here it is: The bequeathed Brotherhood of all the mankind, Created by Stellar children, Who were born in the stream of Boosted evolution By His unbelievable grace. The Supreme has sown the seed, concealed and saved it. And the age of Renaissance has come. In the name of the most daring ideas. In the name of the craziest hopes. In the name of the Renaissance.

31 December 2012

Posthuman - Chronomirage

Record: 2011-2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1212.0137
Psy-Ambient, Symphony

Mirages or echoes of the past? Or probably future? Or something that never was and could not be in our world. A place where time has stopped.

30 November 2012

Hidelight - Evolution of Spirit

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1211.0123
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth

The avenue filled with light, not usual, but some especially native, light of passed years, warm and bright, painting dull gray buildings in soft colors, so they also become pleasant and dear. Birds fly in the sky, and their shadows are turned into bizarre silhouettes on the hot asphalt. The melody is sweeping above the avenue, so familiar, as if we know it for life, it is slightly disturbing, but opens up vistas of the future. Things becomes so colorful for the ones who are ready to perceive versatile beauty of the world.

30 June 2012

WMRI - Retransmissions

Record: 2007-2008 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0064
Traditional Electronic

This compilation contains all the additional material related to Planetary Transmissions and dedicated to signals and connections. It is a gathering of known tracks' mixes and unique compositions, that are different by form and mood. Altogether they develop an accomplished story of the systems of data transfer.

28 June 2012

WMRI - Planetary Transmissions

Record: 2007 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0063
Traditional Electronic

Thousands of digital and analogue signals are being transmitted by wire and on the air all over the planet. Thousands of connections are being established and then closed or even lost, disappearing without a trace. Data streams embrace the whole globe, and they are radiated into open space, like the hands of mankind, which are drawn to knowledge, or even rays of hope to find another mind in universe. Let's imagine a little peace of the world of connections and transmissions, the world of digits and waves, this unseen world, whose value can not be overstated.

31 March 2012

WMRI - The Dome of Sleeping Time

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1203.0036

The ultimate meditation place offers you an ambiance filled with layered sounds that thread each other and create the complex flow. Absolute calmness is the key parameter here. Created in an ultra slow mode it allows you deeply feel and understand every color in surrounding sonic stream. The time stops here and falls asleep and you being like in a freeze frame heed with a heightened sensibility. Gaining time helps receiving the prolonged moment for perfect immersion enhancing an overall effect.