Record: 2017 • Edition: 2017 • USC-WR-1712.0393
Space Ambient, Berlin School, New Age
Boundless ocean has opened his embrace... He shall thrill me with his tremendous majesty! He bathed tenderly the planet’s coasts with waves, and has compounded the mysteries and riddles, having hidden depths from us. He has paved the depth contour of weird tablelands and basins with nautic creatures. And sounds of magical waves, seagulls’ cry and dolphins’ voice, the low bass of whales – everything is dear to my heart! He has opened the miraculous distant world before our eyes, and enchanted us with its variety. Oh Ocean, you are endless in your magnificence! We tried so long to comprehend you: your vasts are indomitable, secrets are almost unknown, thoughts are beyond all reason! And a sailor begs for a grace taking road, while mothers and wives await for their relatives. Oh Ocean, you are the life of Earth, its salt, the embodiment of world’s harmony, I sing a hymn in your honor!