Showing posts with label Atmospheric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atmospheric. Show all posts

13 October 2012

WMRI - Opal Forest

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0108

Evening rays reach the glades and forest soil. Glowing sun colors leaves and branches into deep orange. Quiet marsh reflects like a mirror tracing specks of light. Whole forest is burning in opal fire.

12 October 2012

WMRI - Sapphire Mountains

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0105

Blue peaks tear the sky materia making the sound of resonating sapphires.

11 October 2012

WMRI - Amethystine Cave

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0103

Lowered to underground to the violet depths you'll hear the majestic music of cave. Highly melodic stuff (sequences included).

WMRI - Emerald Sky

Record: 2009 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0101

Tranquil sky ambience. Meditative and calm space work. Green dream music like the color of emeralds in the sun.

3 October 2012

Amroque & Antalio - Times & Synthonatic Therapy

Record: 2009-2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1210.0099
Traditional Electronic, Symphonic

This split album contains archive recordings of two electronic composers - Amroque and Antalio. Music of both authors fits well. Traditional symphonic and modern synthetic approaches intertwine gracefully to create majestic and bright atmosphere.

25 September 2012

WMRI - Currents Across the Time

Record: 2010-2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0092
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School

Currents Across the Time was recorded in November, 2010 as the second concert on the radio StreamerP2P. Estimated audience was no more than five persons. The announcement was planned extremely poorly, and no one really could listen to it. Now, as before with Moon Events, this deep and holistic release can be heard by a wider audience. As a bonus, the album presents the new track The Dream of Spheres, which took part on the competition GENERATION.torrent 4 in November, 2011.

14 September 2012

Rigel Centaurus - Atlas Coelestis

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0087

Stars have been plotted to a celestial map since the man raised his head to the night sky. He has collected the thoughts of his ancestors to build the real image and comprehension of the natural phenomenon seen above. The wonderful mystic world has opened before him holding its own order of things interaction. Even using the common sense you could feel the majesty and beauty of the bright shining eyes of the universe that form from nothing, live their long-term life and finally either blast with a celebrated supernova or fade quietly stubbing out the radiance.

11 September 2012

Melong - Beyond

Record: 2010-2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1209.0085
Psy-Ambient, Experimental

Things can be really different if you take a look through a prism of imagination. Modern image gives a unique futuristic view on the relics of the past ages. Like an idea of cyber monk that beats the spectral gong of the universe. Pushed to the future, ancient artifacts may get more spiritual and powerful. And this is the moment when you see a thunderous temple drawing its tentacles in all directions: over the horizon, above the sky and underneath the ground. The odd hoary structure possible in the world that is beyond the notion.

28 August 2012

Saty - Undercurrent

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0083
Drone Ambient, Dark Ambient

Could you imagine drowning in an impersonal spiraling pool? This is the breathtaking feeling of the irresistible movement to an end. Crossing the edge, you fall into the vast undercurrent. The other side that is weird and inconceivable, but it's right before your eyes. The impossible world of strange omnidirectional streams, areas of void, fractal tunnels and mental doors. Diverse obscure moves, eruptions and morphs around are your immediate milieu. There is no necessity to dispose their attention. Just stay perceiving your naughtiness forever.

Exalot - Memoirs Fiola

Record: 1997-2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0082
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth, Berlin School

This vintage electronic album sounds like it was taken from the dusty vaults of some 80s studio. Genuine atmosphere takes you back. The small piece of lost sunny golden age of music.

Soft Note - Spiritscapes

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0081
Score, Ambient

This album is an attempt to combine orchestral music with soundscapes. It can be called psychedelic in some ways. The shape and dynamics of sound worth some special attention as they create otherworld landscapes. All kinds of spectral colours are exercised to piece it together. I hope my work will give free scope to your imagination.

27 August 2012

Ether - Comm

Record: 2009-2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0080
Psy-Ambient, Traditional Electronic

The question of the extraterrestrial intelligence existence thrills people for many ages. Thinking about the possibility of its existence, the mankind is searching tirelessly. It sends an endless stream of signals by cosmic routes in hope of finding and making contact with another intelligence. Lucks and fails follow each other, while the explorations expand our knowledge about the near and distant space, thus helping to take a new look at the place of the person in the great universal home.

Classicus - Silvern Ascent of Enigmatic Winter

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0079
Modern Classical

Winter celestial silver enchants the whole landscape, giving magic sense of reverie and purity. Elegance of classic piano and symphonic music never gets old.

Unstoppable Music - The Time of Chaos

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0077
Score, Modern Classical

Be a witness landmark events. The rise and fall - the world is gripped by the whirlwind of chaos. Orchestral and choral hymns convey well the drama of the time.

Zeitwind - Hexenzeit

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0076
Traditional Electronic, Dark Space, Berlin School

Gloomy atmosphere of the Middle Ages. Mysteries of witchcraft and tragedy of witch hunt. Deep dark sound of traditional electronic music.

12 August 2012

Temporal - The River

Record: 2010-2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0074
Goa Trance, Psy-Ambient

The vast full-flowing Amazon spreads its waters for many miles of jungles. The area is so mysterious as dangerous - one of the most, to be honest. Hoary creatures dwell there. This is their territory for all of the time being and they will protect it with sudden malice. Each entity around is filled with wisdom and force. This place won't tolerate a weak spirit passing on through. Would you be daring enough to plunge and dive?

1 August 2012

hash-head - Гиперборея (Hyperborea)

Record: 2009-2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1208.0071
Traditional Electronic, Space

On the far north edge of the world there's a land called Hyperborea. The sun always shines over it making the day feel endless. There's no way you get there, it's like a mirage that disappears right before your eyes. The unknown civilization that found the ability to reach the sky and space lives there and keeps the secret of their luck and happiness. But some of their knowledge was taken by wind and light and spread all over the world. The information on what do they think about the world around and how it influences them. The only special thing: it's transcribed into musical form.

12 July 2012

sokpb avabodha - Небо (The Sky)

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1207.0069
Ambient, New Age

Immense and versatile is the heavenly element. Creating its images, the composer uses the processed sounds of acoustic and electric guitars and a lot of field recordings and demonstrates the true art of minimalism. Sound structures evolve from dense to more transparent, and you seem to come off the ground and lift slowly to the twilight air depths. Graceful melodies interweave into the pulsating rhythm, forming a charming cyclic tracery. You are free from gravity, and only the boundless vastness is all around you. You are immersing yourself into the sky - it is swallowing you up within its ambient atmosphere.

7 July 2012

Sounds of Mind - Astral Spring Music

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1207.0066
Psy-Ambient, Space

Tales of the nature that never existed. The nature, that forms only within human imagination: fragile and impossible, thrilling and especially individual, mixed with scraps of reminiscence from reality. Weaving flowing ambient sound structures and hypnotic repetitive rhythms, skillfully combining melodic themes and minimalistic elements, the author creates outlandish scenery of this dreamlike nature at the border of two worlds: earthly and extramundane.

2 July 2012

Stark's Pond - 5550 Miles

Record: 2011-2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1207.0065 • Remastered
Indietronica, Trip-Hop, Lounge

Fantastic landscapes beckon you to the place far away within your mind. The pictures of your inner world can be so different - joy of meeting with friends and sadness of leaving, bliss of love and pain of loneliness, excitement of discovery of something new and serenity of dreams. Feel gentle rays of sun, that fill up your heart with warmth and good. Listen to elegant beautiful music, which gives wings to your soul. Let your very best emotions be your guide - and the world will be always favorable for you.