22 September 2014

Vortex Mechanic - Forecasting the Future

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1409.0220
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School, Psy-Ambient

Future. Forthcoming. The state of time which will certainly happen and take form of the present. But in this instance future is not a state of time, future is a state of society, culture and science. Being in progress, the world follows from age to age, and then a moment comes when every dweller on Earth may say for sure: "Yes, I'm already living in the future now, it has come!". This state of society ripens very slowly, but inevitably - hereof futurists, scientists and sociologists say. Touch of the future can be felt more and more in the present. And one day, as quite occasionally, but leaving no doubts, so rapidly the age of tomorrow comes and enters everyday life of everyone. Let's look what is occurring around us. Reuniting all factors, we can say with confidence, that the future is already knocking at our doors! We live in the century of premonition of aftertime - a little more and it will come. Are we ready for this?

21 September 2014

The Dead Process - Neurotic Chronicles

Record: 2008-2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1409.0219
Post-Industrial, EBM

Think of it as a case history of the disease. Nihilism in relation to the selfish, mundane and consumer reality, stagnant and inertial. Estrangement from the world in which one have to survive, in which human ceases to be a human, and becomes a hungry wolf that can rend any. Intrusive mass media takes roots in the brain, accustoms to the trough. All this appears not a celebration of life, but decline and disintegration - the dead process that rapidly destroys the human ideals: pursuit of self-giving and self-realization, sincerity and naturalness, assistance and cooperation. Life is just like a surreal movie, devoid of logic and sense, decorations everywhere - deception, and behind them there is nothing - hollow. Lostness in options for own behavior, mainly obsessive, fatigue and depression at the peak of the devastation and despair suggest the only way out - to fall asleep and don't wake up, drown in eternal peace. Infinity of internal conflicts - periods of Cycle: fear, panic, apathy - again and again. The dead process draws in, the resistance continues.

20 September 2014

Joost Egelie - Music for Mars Missions

Record: 2009 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1409.0218
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School

It is said that man can achieve anything in his dreams. Less than 500 years ago Copernicus discovered that Earth was not the center of the universe. In 1609 Galileo Galilei pointed his telescope on various planets in our Solar System. From then on the dream began. What are those strange lines on the surface of Mars? Are we alone, circling the sun? These questions still puzzle us. And there is only one way to find out for sure - to set foot on Mars, like we did in 1969 on the Moon. Not just to set another flag and claim more resources for eager consumers, but to find a new approach. The rover missions taught us already that Mars may actually be a view on the distant future of Earth, if we continue planetary exploitation in such a pace. Mars offers us a chance to go back to the drawing board and to do everything as it should be. Instead of robing a planet, where everything we need is fully available, we have to learn how hard it is for a man to become a god-terraformer and create a habitable place from scratch.

18 September 2014

Vermos - Светочувствительные материалы (Photosensitive Materials)

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1409.0217
Indietronica, Post-Rock

Light. Life stands still in the frame. A bit unsharp picture: variants of interpretation are possible. Light. Imprint of an instant. It was somewhen, but now it exists no more. Reality has changed like it constantly does. But the film captures and keeps changeless. Light. Shots are arranging in sequence. The life is being reconstructed, although not real. Or not? Screen heroes are so true, when they live and feel and not just play. Light. Come to think of it, sometimes we know their lives better than ours. Worrying and sympathizing for them, rejoicing and grieving together. Over and over again we live their life along with them to smooth over dullness of daily routine. Light. Camera. Action!

Eleomys - Commencement

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1409.0216
Ambient, Cinematic

...just an essence, lost in gloom, among weird machinery and eternal frost. They are peculiar essences as well - iron giants, into whom life was breathed to make them... Could it be a kind of utopia? A perverted dream of ruined mind which seeks for solitude or unity with emptiness, if you wish. The value of silence is learnt when noise overflows everything around and breaks in thoughts. All these bawling dolls are unable to... ...shall begin, for a moment must necessarily come when all should be brought into primordial state - to the initial, to be reset to default. It will be a brand new start. And meanwhile the chance to dissolve in silence must be used all the way - to become saturated with it, until noise gets to...

6 September 2014

WMRI - Saturated Summer

Record: 2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1409.0215
Ambient, Symphonic, Cinematic

Flower scents fill the hot air mixed into a lavish bouquet. Sun hangs in a clear blue sky slowly cooking the planet. Shivering haze rises over the incandescent ground: paints on horizon smear and flow in entangled patterns. In this realm of heat and moisture greens grow rapidly: grasses, flowers, ferns, bushes and trees, as if competing with each other for a place under the sun, spread on vast areas with meadows, fields and forests. Incessant even for a moment chirr symphony of various insect species is heard on all sides, floats on the waves of waving ears driven by the wind. Dynamic life forms a unique picture full of the most saturated colors.

31 August 2014

Joost Egelie - Boundaries of Infinity

Record: 2005-2007 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1408.0214
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School

Exploring the great universes between the particles so small, human mind explores the boundaries of itself. Natural contrasts are built upon the energy fluctuations, creating matter and antimatter, whereas a man tries to embody everything that he can imagine. In the end, we may have created existence and cosmos ourselves. There is a lot more to it than just letting two atoms collide at high energy levels. Are we the ones able to learn, in what way the cogwheels of the Universe turn? We just have to sit out the ride on the space roller coaster, watching the blazonry. Boundaries are relative, as they can be broken. Particle accelerators eventually provide more answers to questions lying beyond these boundaries. This is the quest in search of the Theory of Everything. Do we really wish to know, how it works?

30 August 2014

Sky in Birds - Sky in Birds

Record: 2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1408.0213
Indietronica, Lounge, Ambient, Minimal

Birds fly high in the sky and look at the swarming life on earth. Their flight begins in the wintertime, and they move towards the South, overcoming enormous distances. They see quaint landscapes and lofty mountains, tumultuous rivers and their cliffy banks, lowlands and highlands. Just a bird's regular day of a free floating in the lucid heights that is perceived as a borderless travel in an incredible calmness with the serene feeling of the clear blue firmament.

29 August 2014

Sergey Kolesnikov - Early Dreams

Record: 2011-2012 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1408.0212
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School

Such a long history of mankind, numbering tens of millennia, is dappled with white specks of obscurity. We know only scattered episodes from life of the ancient ancestors, which they tried to transmit to next generations as much as possible. Great volume of knowledge is lost, destroyed or kept back by destructive progress, aiming to the future like an arrow without looking back, while the past is being covered by sands of time, and myths and legends come to surrogate invaluable traditions. We can only guess, how the ancient looked at natural phenomena, which thoughts and conceptions emerged in their mind. Most likely they comprehended things even better than we do in our dashing time, as they had a whole eternity for thinking and observation. Crumbs of knowledge, conjectures and speculations, which were able to collect, are expressed here by traditional electronic music in the Berlin school style.

9 August 2014

Ramio Lin - Мистический композитор (Mystical Composer)

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1408.0211
Traditional Electronic, New Age, VGM

This musical story of the Mystical Composer is the story about Ramio Lin himself, his and his friends’ amazing adventures. Just like in any proper tale, there are two main positive characters in play: a timid beautiful girl - an exorcist Serchio the Melancholic, and the brave musician Ramio Lin - eternal seeker of inspiration, travelling with a keyboard synthesizer behind, ready to get into the most dangerous places for musical ideas. Just like in any proper tale, there is an antagonist - villain Kirai named Burning the Tears for his mercilessness and blindness to tears of the innocent victims. Our courageous heroes are looking for the ways to revenge him. Here's some of their most interesting episodes.

31 July 2014

Lost Radiance - Upon Us

Record: 2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1407.0210
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School, Space Ambient

Look around - and you will see the endless majesty of cosmos, a myriad of stars, whose light goes hundreds, thousands, millions and billions years. What keeps us from reaching them? Damned relativity! But there is a way to overcome it! In the beginning there were only thoughts, concepts. Alcubierre drive, Krasnikov tube. There only one challenge remains: generation of matter with negative density of energy - and forward, to the stars! There, where new life, new intelligence, new destination await! So far, these are only dreams... It is necessary to develop a theory. It is necessary to fund the experiments. Begin constructing devices unseen ever before. All this is for the flight to a distant planet. And lo, a massive complex is being built gradually. A spaceship with a strange structure is being designed. Finally everything's ready! Starship is ready for the first leap. Distance ahead, unexplored before, in some three light years (come to think of it that we may already say: "some three light years"!). Attention! Start! The leap is performed flawlessly. After a few weeks ship comes back with detailed snapshots of the nearest star - Proxima Centauri. This event is celebrated all over the globe. A hope is born, that there will be no need to slice and torture the planet tired of mankind. Finally there'll be enough place for everybody - after all the Universe has no boundaries.

29 June 2014

Евгений Науменко (Eugene Naumenko) - Вдохновение (Impression)

Record: 2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1406.0209
Modern Classical, Score

Inspiration that spring brings is kept for a long time after its end. This powerful charge of positive emotions and feelings that soul experiences after winter sleep, should be used with the greatest impact. Maybe to create something new or to finish something old that is left for the time being. Areas of forces application are countless, and with due enthusiasm anything will be possible to do. Go for it!

28 June 2014

Openaiid - Без края (Without Boundary)

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1406.0208
Ambient, Shoegaze

People are emotional creatures. Everything they create is filled with emotions. They fill things with sense and make them important. Music is one of their ways to describe the Universe. Just a way to place oneself into the main point to see the whole. Every little nuance can be of vital importance. Open your mind to the world, plunge into its beauty and then come up to the surface renewed from inside. Take the opportunity to feel once felt and see once seen that is expressed in this music.

30 May 2014

Nickolay Fedorenko - Dance Planet

Record: 2012-2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1405.0207
Traditional Electronic, Trance

Look into the sky and you will see the austere motion of spherical bodies as if they perform the perfect space dance. Planets, moving along orbits, experience a lot of effects: the changing of seasons, solar storms, space radiation, however they don't reduce the tempo for a moment. Comets and asteroids attempt to break the lasting balance at times, but, even if they exert a shattering impact to the surface, they rarely can affect the rotating velocity of graceful dancers. They aim to continue the dance endlessly.

1 May 2014

Rigel Centaurus - Центр галактики (Galactic Center)

Record: 2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1405-0206

Galactic center is relatively small - about 1000 parsecs. Hidden behind the clouds of gas and dust, it is a real stellar nursery. The formation of galaxy began here. Around the giant space monster - a supermassive black hole located in the heart of the galaxy, stellar population is most plentiful. If the stars in the center of the galaxy have civilizations, they may be billions of years older than humanity. During this time they could have reached a level of development that comparing to us they are like gods, which as a wise guardians of the order watching the fragile mechanism of galaxy, skillfully adjust and fix it, keeping the balance of power in space.

30 April 2014

Vortex Mechanic - At the Edge of Solar System

Record: 2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1404.0205
Traditional Electronic, Psy-Ambient, Space

Solar system is a giant cosmic city. The planets, warmed with heat near the Sun, chase each other, while on the edge of the Solar system, where cold reigns, frozen worlds live their mysterious life in unhurried motion. Here, on the boundary, the Sun is so far, that it can hardly be found among billions of alien stars in the sky. Anxious darkness enchants, and so near extrasolar space is beckoning. And still we are under protection of the gravity of our star. One little step is enough to leave our home. And there... And there are scaring infinity and emptiness full of dangers there. Let's stay here, on the very frontier, and enjoy mysteriousness and majesty of the borderline of presence of our Sun.

31 March 2014

SiJ - Shadow of Time

Record: 2011-2012 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1403.0204
Ambient, Space

If you glance at the familiar world through a veil of shadow, then the things may take a strange and sinister look. The shadow side always carries something, at first sight, odd, frightening, but if you take deeper into the essence, you can see the extraordinary beauty, which is usually obscured by the bright light of the day. That's the beauty of unusual forms, which are born by hiding redundant lines and curves. That's the beauty of subdued images, which themselves look plain. That's the beauty of movement, which creates the illusion of life. A whole world created by the shadow that is irresistibly impending onto the fragile reality.