30 June 2012

WMRI - Retransmissions

Record: 2007-2008 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0064
Traditional Electronic

This compilation contains all the additional material related to Planetary Transmissions and dedicated to signals and connections. It is a gathering of known tracks' mixes and unique compositions, that are different by form and mood. Altogether they develop an accomplished story of the systems of data transfer.

28 June 2012

WMRI - Planetary Transmissions

Record: 2007 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0063
Traditional Electronic

Thousands of digital and analogue signals are being transmitted by wire and on the air all over the planet. Thousands of connections are being established and then closed or even lost, disappearing without a trace. Data streams embrace the whole globe, and they are radiated into open space, like the hands of mankind, which are drawn to knowledge, or even rays of hope to find another mind in universe. Let's imagine a little peace of the world of connections and transmissions, the world of digits and waves, this unseen world, whose value can not be overstated.

24 June 2012

Mr. Gaus - Everybody Lives

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0062
Ambient, Experimental

Are you ready to listen? You can learn a lot if you have a will to listen. Lend an ear to yourself to hear the voice that can lead through the thorns of being. Ignoring inner voice may throw you in the search that results in a false identity which is the alloy of others' thoughts. You should trust your essence, accepting an attitude of things and your internal beauty. Express the passion with the deepest sense. Crush the illusions made by malevolent persons, chasing a minute benefit. Everyone has a his own view on how to make the life. Everybody lives.

19 June 2012

Rigel Centaurus - В бесконечность... (Into Infinity...)

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0061

Moving in the sparkling reality of celestial objects is a dream of all dreams. Climbing the world's roof you see the miracles that can't be described. They just exist and live their lives as they want. Comets float in sweeping motions. When tired - they fall. Fluffy dust clouds are shaping for years and for the eye of the observer look like fixed sculptures. The lonely starship paves the route through countless parsecs. It is set for a timeless journey to a closer interesting star and now it's drifting to infinity and beyond.

7 June 2012

Vitaliy Baldych - The Seagull

Record: 2009-2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0060
New Age, Relax

“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite.”
— Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

6 June 2012

Tornfly - Bronze Ox

Record: 2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0059
Traditional Electronic, Psy-Ambient

People of many nations always had a popular belief in an ox as symbol of good fortune and fertility. They imagined him looking at them from the night sky and asked him to bring happiness to their home. They called him Bronze Ox by bright orange color of stars in a large horn-shaped constellation. It's immense beauty is conveyed in fantastic sound scenes, which change their characters from quiet and slightly dark to harsh, synthetic, with bright rhythm, like sudden dreams, nevertheless linked by the one logic thread... Even if it's just an imagination.

2 June 2012

WMRI - Minor Objects

Record: 2006-2007 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1206.0058
Traditional Electronic

The historic collection that gathers early tracks, originally released as singles. This curious part of WMRI discography was nearly unknown for most listeners until now. Different interpretations of album tracks and accompanying b-sides are written in various styles of melodic synthesizer music, sometimes more psychedelic and sometimes epic or even acoustic. The compilation is not a simple sequence of the singles, all tracks are ordered to get better perception.

25 May 2012

Mr. Gaus - Cutting Edge

Record: 2009 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1205.0057
Ambient, Industrial

Step by step goes the time. Cog beats cog is a turn. Be on the bleeding edge of a progress or be a cogwheel if you want. Not possible to catch a moment - you think while it's gone. Hold the pulse for an instant to comprehend. See the wonders with your eyes on the run. Take the bliss - nobody would do this for you. Optimum is maximum at a minimum. Don't take much - take the whole. Don't stay long - better go. Get it fast - this is how.

20 May 2012

Rigel Centaurus - Зона обитаемости (Habitable Zone)

Record: 2011-2012 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1205.0056
Space, Drone Ambient

The time has come to leave the dear planet and human slipped from the cradle of Earth to lay the path to far stars. Floating through dimensions on the wings of light the man draws his mind and creativity to new worlds transforming them into the glorious islands of life in full swing. All these unseen wonders are perfectly created using deep complex soundscapes mixed with endless drones and eternal calmness.

Dmitriy Samoylenko - Exciting Meetings with Mom Nature

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1205.0055
Ambient, New Age

Discover the wonders of our Mother Nature with this colorful ambient music. Transparent silence of summer morning and enchantment of the night on a seashore give a sense of quietness. You can feel a little bit alone, but your solitude soon is broken by voices of birds and whispers of forest. Music becomes more rhythmic like a shamanic songs and pulls you into magic atmosphere of beauty and harmony.