25 November 2014

Ether - Road to the Sky

Record: 2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1411.0235
Traditional Electronic, Psy-Ambient

This is the story about a quest for a way to the beautiful and the eternal. If there is nothing left untouched by progress of civilization on Earth, where should we look for them else, but in the skies? A man imprisoned in urban constructions sees nothing besides asphalt and concrete, while there is a shoreless ocean above his head. Distant and captivating, it is calling into its boundless vasts, winking with countless stars. We are ready to dive into it, but we are way too weak to break free from the ties of gravity of our planet. Nevertheless, despite of all, we are going on dreaming. Looking upwards we give birth to a hope.

24 November 2014

Rukirek - Arabian Nightmare

Record: 2001 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1411.0234
Dark Psy-Trance, Hi-Tech, EBM

Thoughts on the real and the unreal, the facets of their contact, about who we really are, and whether all around is real... The question itself can affect the response. Attempts to escape from reality can often lead to its most reliable form. A person aims at self-reflection in place and time, which surround it. It's like trying to wake up from a slumber, but at the same time - a dream within a dream, just another revival from viscous sweet embrace of fictional gods of sleep and illusion for a moment, to take a breath of air and to dive back into the arms of Mara. Is it possible at all, to win the battle for reality? What if there is no reality and no unreality? Realizing this fact, you can release the consciousness into free fall, watching the kaleidoscope of reflections of the world in which we once believed.

16 November 2014

Radio Silence - Elements

Record: 2008-2009 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1411.0233
Traditional Electronic, Chillout, New Age

Mosaic of sleeps, dreams beckoning behind them, weightless reveries about the forthcoming, opening doors into a fairytale. Total release from the gravity of everyday life, impetuous flight of fantasy over clouds, far and wide - beyond the horizon. Elements of a game, so enticing and deceptive - just excite imagination. Mysterious landscapes painted by the keen artist's hand are attracting like a mirage - salutary oasis of perfection. There's nothing better to think up than to throw oneself and to sink in wonderful blaze, to fall into pieces all over parallel worlds without coming back.

10 November 2014

Innerspace - Аквалактика (Aqualactica)

Record: 1998-2000 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1411.0232
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth

All we are mad about space, majestic and cold... But there is another one - it is closer and... deeper. We all came namely from there, about one and a half billion years ago. All we had gills at the age of seven weeks, the embryo dwells in liquid medium during nine months - instincts are inherent from birth. Maybe that's the reason why ocean depths beckon us so much, and it is so painful to try to enter this enigmatic abyss without preparation. Pressure, nitrogen bubbles, boiling in blood, tragic experience of the great number of dead explorers of this mysterious world, and at the same time indescribable feeling of flight, weightlessness and complete detachment from the bustle of our life, impetuous bodies of underwater inhabitants, wonderful "sea nation" - dolphins possessing a very high level of intelligence, infinite variety of the dwellers of the largest buildings on our Earth - the Great Barrier Reef. Aqualactica is a musical dedication to beauty and mystery of the underwater space.

6 November 2014

Mornastra - Light Echo

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1411.0231
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth, New Age

Echo is reflection of waves. Light is the most lightweight matter which fills the space. It is reflected by many objects, and these reflections form a significant part of visible world. Light echo is an envoy from areas of the Universe so far away, that a human cannot comprehend. Estimating enormous speed of light and scale of cosmic distances, we can imagine light echo as a kind of time machine giving us an opportunity to take a look at event happened millions and billions years ago. At the same time light can draw not only pictures. In itself it is a reservoir of energy, which development is able to open horizons of the future beyond any fantasy.

31 October 2014

Exalot - Time Slice

Record: 1995-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0230
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth, Space Ambient

Time has no beginning and no end, but we can take a segment even from infinity. To take a slice of time and to put it on a table of the expert, who can explain the meaning of what is happening there. The past is so murky that it often becomes an object of thorough study: if not it, then what else has a direct link with where, or better say, how we do exist. At the same time, the future is being built before our eyes and by our hands, although at times it is unpredictable - only if in the nearest perspective... Nevertheless, we would prefer far future this time. Let's imagine the vast expanses of space, amazing beauty of nebulae clouds and galaxies. Majestic huge spaceships and small yachts of all sorts of shapes. The richness of life, worldview and understanding of the Universe. Contemplating this all with a human sight, it is impossible to imagine the proportionality of human mind on the planet Earth and cosmic endlessness.

26 October 2014

Nickolay Fedorenko - Eco

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0229
Spacesynth, Electroclash

We live in a time of new technologies and reach to outer space. But we sometimes forget the nature of our home. Our cradle - Earth. The humankind shall pause to think of how to preserve it or even make it a better place. Eco is a future world where man, technology, and nature coexist in harmony. A world free from ecological catastrophes and reckless use of valuable resources. A world where intelligence rules for the good of all.

20 October 2014

Innerspace - Люди как боги (Humans as Gods)

Record: 1994-1996 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0228
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth

"I have... seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like... tears... in... rain..." - Roy Batty, "Blade Runner". Worlds, fantastic worlds, created by dreamers, inspire, wake the fantasy and make one express emotions through paintings, music and so on. And it doesn't matter that he has no music education and never learned to paint. It matters, that in the evening after work one can immerse himself into a fantastic world, where armadas of spaceships assault barriers of the non-Euclidean space, war robots deploy to order, and cutting-edge laboratories fathom secrets of the human brain... This is the way this music appears - very simple and very naive, but it is just the beginning!

18 October 2014

Lost-Radio - Between

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0227
Drone Ambient

This album is about a feeling so strong that it makes one to forget the native distances and to wait in the wet grey alley for hours, despite of cold wind and drizzling rain. To wait for what? And then the memories arise. About the yore. About this alley, about these eyes. There comes the sensation of presence... The presence of the one about whom you reminisce. Though this is just seeming presence. But is the seeming true? In the end it becomes clear that there are no innocents in this world. Every deed has a range of consequences, going far into the future. Seemingly every innocent gesture, every innocent sight drags a certain chain of events after themselves. All we are guilty in something. There are no innocents.

12 October 2014

Joost Egelie - Particles

Record: 2012-2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0226
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School, Space

In a journey through life one may experience periods of reflection, search for new beginnings and deeper philosophies. The most important and impacting episodes of life leave an imprint of a shifting style of common work, artistry, intercourse, mood and even way of life. Such unpredictable changes are similar to the behavior of elementary particles: physically so small that only imagination can help to see them, and as a matter of fact so huge that their influence is noticeable across the Universe. Particles are unseen, unimaginable, in dimensions other than the concrete four ones we can witness. And most of all - they tell our stories, of human beings: acting, reacting, interacting, interfering. Just let your mind, which is made of stardust, float along the strings and dimensions. Dream away...