9 February 2012

Secret Keys - In the City of Clouds

Record: 2009 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1202.0016
Modern Classical, Ambient

Sparkling minimalism of keys tells for itself and paints amusing pictures. They are made in two moods: light as an airy marshmallow or chilly wind and gloomy as evil thoughts or sudden storm clouds. The light part flashes in positive cheer and sustains the calm and monotonous atmosphere. When the darker side bursts the change in a perception is evident. The music can sound loud and solemn in an empty room, as an enigmatic ritual, dismal in times it forces you glance around for a moment. It is great soundtrack for a day with pressure drops, unsettled weather and mood swings. But this fragile obsession may over if you just pull the plug falling out into the reality

6 February 2012

Saty - Monument

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0015
Drone Ambient

Celestial mechanics is a great mystery and no one knows its arrangement. Saty opens a way to cognition in art form. Deep compositions are able to give you the mental food. Monumental canvas woven from stellar energy and particles gradually forms into a solid world which destiny is foreordained.

31 January 2012

WMRI - Deep Forest

Record: 2006 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0014
Traditional Electronic

This unique release is built around main title track Deep Forest, which is actually a pre-WMRI track made by other member Alex Ilin. It was covered with dust for 3 years after recording and first issued only in 2006. It later remained in shadow of more popular Voices of Space and didn't get proper spread. Now it's a really precious gem with ageing more than eight years, but still sounding fresh and impressive. To be more alluring it is supported by other tracks of Alex recorded jointly with Mike Winchester. This is absolutely different look at WMRI music.

Common Ratio - Clubbing Outside

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0013
IDM, Dubstep, Experimental

Nuclear mix of all genres and styles that influenced Common Ratio sound is used here as a refund for all taken moves and ideas. Tracks go one after another drawing the somber urban sketches of gray American life. And then our look rises to the height from the dirty street. Flocculent clouds are flowing in dull sky. Occasional birds appear from every quarter and dive into the muddy stratosphere soup making steep turns. They see the beauty of precise architecture from such an altitude and we are morally with them - this is magnificent!

25 January 2012

Wandering Wind & WMRI - Luminutopia

Record: 2011 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0012
Space Utopia

This is surrealistic journey to a small world - Luminutopia, where people could bring the light, harmony and kindness everywhere. Material is composed and recorded in late 2011 in tones of space melancholia and utopia. Several bright pictures of life in a light world that each time become more deep, get a personal character and let you feel the philosophy of this civilization.

24 January 2012

Dmitriy Samoylenko - This is Mine

Record: 2009 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0011
Traditional Electronic, Space, New Age

Hot sun scorching the cliffs. Sea waves caress the warm sand. These are common sources of inspiration for this work. Eight profound themes carry you through all the sides of resort relaxation that author experienced himself and wants to share his feelings with you.

23 January 2012

Various Artists - 10.10.10

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0010
Traditional Electronic, Ambient, Dark Ambient, VGM

This release is made for a special date on calendar - 10.10.10. It's not connected to any actual events in the world, but rather considered as thoughts about the ages passed. This was made as a trial to make a track in just some days. Eight composers accepted the challenge and made their tributes for the release. Musician expressed their ideas in a form that's common to them. This is our celebration of Time!

22 January 2012

Ptarkh & WMRI - Power Plant Violence

Record: 2010 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0009
Dark Ambient, Industrial, Rhythmic Noise

The real high-voltage electric trip by wires. Turbines symphony under resonant accompaniment of transformer station in two parts. The first part is more mundane, deafening loud and rhythmic. The second part focuses on the atmospheric component of cosmic energy, radio waves and noise.

20 January 2012

sokpb avabodha - Трава / Грань (Grass / The Edge)

Record: 2005 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0008
Drone Ambient

sokpb avabodha entered the world of drone ambient with this epic work. He found his sound in processing acoustic guitar, collected sounds using microphone and TV tuner. Vast and wide canvas of this music is priceless. Slow and sensitive like the flowing summer wind, this music illustrates the monotonous processes, helps you imagine the growing grass or the shining sun. You shouldn't expect anything happen or even change, this is like looking on the static picture finding new details every time you look at it.

19 January 2012

Ptarkh - Insulin

Record: 2009 • Edition: 2012 • USC-WR-1201.0007
Industrial, Dark Ambient

Making the project author used a mass of sound effects, city ambience and dark atmospheres. Highly layered synthesized textures create a unique deep canvas. Very minimal in one place it can be very complex and loud in other. Music flows continuously smoothly going through vast scenes showing you the world of nightmares. This is nuclear performance for Geiger counter and cogwheel orchestra.