26 October 2014

Nickolay Fedorenko - Eco

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0229
Spacesynth, Electroclash

We live in a time of new technologies and reach to outer space. But we sometimes forget the nature of our home. Our cradle - Earth. The humankind shall pause to think of how to preserve it or even make it a better place. Eco is a future world where man, technology, and nature coexist in harmony. A world free from ecological catastrophes and reckless use of valuable resources. A world where intelligence rules for the good of all.

20 October 2014

Innerspace - Люди как боги (Humans as Gods)

Record: 1994-1996 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0228
Traditional Electronic, Spacesynth

"I have... seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments... will be lost in time, like... tears... in... rain..." - Roy Batty, "Blade Runner". Worlds, fantastic worlds, created by dreamers, inspire, wake the fantasy and make one express emotions through paintings, music and so on. And it doesn't matter that he has no music education and never learned to paint. It matters, that in the evening after work one can immerse himself into a fantastic world, where armadas of spaceships assault barriers of the non-Euclidean space, war robots deploy to order, and cutting-edge laboratories fathom secrets of the human brain... This is the way this music appears - very simple and very naive, but it is just the beginning!

18 October 2014

Lost-Radio - Between

Record: 2013-2014 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0227
Drone Ambient

This album is about a feeling so strong that it makes one to forget the native distances and to wait in the wet grey alley for hours, despite of cold wind and drizzling rain. To wait for what? And then the memories arise. About the yore. About this alley, about these eyes. There comes the sensation of presence... The presence of the one about whom you reminisce. Though this is just seeming presence. But is the seeming true? In the end it becomes clear that there are no innocents in this world. Every deed has a range of consequences, going far into the future. Seemingly every innocent gesture, every innocent sight drags a certain chain of events after themselves. All we are guilty in something. There are no innocents.

12 October 2014

Joost Egelie - Particles

Record: 2012-2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1410.0226
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School, Space

In a journey through life one may experience periods of reflection, search for new beginnings and deeper philosophies. The most important and impacting episodes of life leave an imprint of a shifting style of common work, artistry, intercourse, mood and even way of life. Such unpredictable changes are similar to the behavior of elementary particles: physically so small that only imagination can help to see them, and as a matter of fact so huge that their influence is noticeable across the Universe. Particles are unseen, unimaginable, in dimensions other than the concrete four ones we can witness. And most of all - they tell our stories, of human beings: acting, reacting, interacting, interfering. Just let your mind, which is made of stardust, float along the strings and dimensions. Dream away...