Record: 2013 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1305.0162
Drone Ambient
In a chaotic world of abstract objects there might be something. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to find something interesting in micro-level.
Record: 2013 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1305.0162
Drone Ambient
In a chaotic world of abstract objects there might be something. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to find something interesting in micro-level.
Record: 2009-2011 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1305.0161
Traditional Electronic, Berlin School, Lounge
You may interpret this work as a sort of observation logs of interesting phenomena and events, whether gaze into the mysterious distance or a careful examination of the near field. As it was conceived, the consolidated result is based on harmonically evolving images cross-fading with each other. Several different sketches bridged together sound very alluring, inventive, stylish, sometimes queer and never boring.
Record: 2012 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1304.0160
Ambient, Soundscapes
Memories are the thing very fragile by their nature. They are individual and exist only in the scopes of ones mind. Remembrances riven into pieces and lacklustered by passed ages may become rather misleading, embellished by healing time. Anything happens making the life variegated mozaic of color-form multitude. Some of these pieces find the connection, assimilate with each other into something new making the unique pattern of self-consciousness.
Record: 2011 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1304.0159
Ambient, New Age
Spiritual becoming is an integral part of common life. This music reflects pure emotions of discovering the new horizons and encountering the most complex tasks for reaching the heights. But achievement of specific goals has no sense, for the way to knowledge has no end. You have to realize that journey is important by itself.
Record: 2012 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1304.0158
Ambient, Darkwave
Gloomy impressions of mysterious winter night, surrounded by ice-covered slumbering trees, flickering in twilight.
Record: 2012 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1304.0157
Traditional Electronic, Chillout, Electro
An amazing world of clouds - so different and constantly changing, so tender in summer brightness or heavy in winter melancholy. Eternal natural creatures that take most bizarre shapes and than vanish in boundless skies. Light world of neverending motion...
Record: 2012-2013 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1303.0156
Ambient, New Age, Minimal
Eispollaetidespota is a word that means very special musical vision and creative labor that connected musicians of this project. Soundscapes and thoughts that appeal to the themes of human, emotions, spirit, nature and technology. An attempt to find harmony inside oneself and reconcile to the world. This is difficult and often gives rise to a momentary rapture and then anxiety. Naive melodies help to be alone. Reckon on the small house at the coast that keeps the hearth, cosiness and comfort. On the outside is the open unexplored wilderness. Simple landscapes of the near North that could be understood just by watching intently. Redundant words are everywhere, conceal the internal meaning of the music, escaping from any tokens.
Record: 2012-2013 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1303.0155
Indietronica, Dubstep
When sunlight disappears from the Earth and sky is obscured in clouds, comes the time of quiet, dank melancholy. Drops of rain on the window. The freshness of moist Universe.
Record: 2009-2013 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1303.0154
Instrumental Synthpop, Darkwave
Inspired by the best etalons of genre, Mabi added to his armory some catchy tricks and launched the immense show of imagination and fantasy. Some melodies would be really common for the experienced listeners. It is a grandiose comeback of 80s popular synthesizer music!
Record: 2010-2013 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1303.0153
Modern Classical, New Age
This emotional landscape music is an essential picture of passing time: epic, drastic and breathtaking. Sensitive patterns of light tones fill the mind with pleasant memories of the past, heat the interest for current moment and gives the strength to look to the future.