17 April 2018

Tenth Cloud - Edge of Summer

Record: 2016-2018 • Edition: 2018 • USC-WR-1804.0406
Techno, Chillout, Traditional Electronic

It always ends. It always ends the same. Sometimes a couple of days earlier, sometimes a couple of days later, but always with rains and cold winds. I understand I have lived this little life and hungrily swallow these remains of happiness. I am siting here – on the very edge, on the edge of summer and dream of one thing only: to quickly start it over once again. Once again – from the beginning. And what then? And then it will be like it always is. Like always, I will be waiting for summer!

01.Something is Wrong (3:16) 02.IgrushKA (Mechanical Toy) (4:23) 03.StrochKA (I Want Your Answer) (3:58) 04.ObolochKA (Never Stop That Feeling) (2:55) 05.PlastinKA (Sounds of This Summer) (3:58) 06.Pinky Rabbit on the Run (We Love to Make Love!) (5:13) 07.SkazKA (Fly Phoenix Fly) (4:59) 08.AutomatiKA (Mechanical Worker) (4:30) 09.Great KAA (The Wise Snake is Dreaming) (5:47) 10.TochKA (Shining People) (3:54) 11.Sputnik (Flying High) (5:26) 12.OblaKA (Stolen Day) (5:39) 13.Worked Hour (You Look Like an Idiot) (3:47) 14.TechniKA (Das ist Techno, Baby) (3:59) 15.BatareiKA (Charged and Recharged) (3:45) 16.L.E.T.O. (Every Our Sunset) (3:23) 17.Rolling Sun (Roll, Roll, Roll) (3:51) 18.Edge of Summer (I Know This Will End) (5:54)

Composition, musical concept – Tenth Cloud Keyboards, synthesizers, programming, effects, writing, arrangement, recording, mixing, mastering, visual concept – Alexey Markov Photography – Anatoliy Laptev Artwork – Anna Riet

This work is published under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You are free to playback, copy, distribute, broadcast, adapt and use this work otherwise. Creating a derivative work, you must state the author of original work and provide the source of material any possible way. Publishing a derivative work, you must use the same license. You are not allowed to state that author endorses your use prior to his approval. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms, while you fulfill the license terms. Some rights reserved.


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