13 September 2013

Ether - Silk Road

Record: 2012-2013 • Edition: 2013 • USC-WR-1309.0171
Traditional Electronic, New Age, Chillout

The Silk Road... Caravan pathway connecting East Asia with Mediterranean in ancient times and Middle ages. The Silk Road played a great role in the development of the economic and cultural relations of the peoples in the middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and China. For example, it served as a conductor of the spread of knowledge and innovation, including creativity: dance, music, visual arts, architecture, and technology: self-production of silk, gunpowder, paper and more. It was a long road full of beauty and danger.

Tracklist: 01.Intro (Leaving Their Native Shores) (4:58) 02.Pristine Way (5:59) 03.After Sunset (6:38) 04.Valley of Rogue (6:06) 05.Outro (Crossing the Last Frontier) (1:48)

Composed by Ether. All instruments programmed, music written and arranged by Alexey Sirotkin. Cover photo by Land Rover in the Middle East and North Africa. Logo by Alexey Sirotkin. Artwork by Anna Riet.

License note: This is the official release made by USC label. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You have right to playback, copy, distribute, transmit, adapt, remix or otherwise use this work as long as you mention the authors and provide the source of material textually. Any alterations and works built upon this work should be published under same or compatible license. For any reuse you should make clear the license terms of this work to everybody. Some rights reserved.

Internet Archive

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1 comment:

  1. ロシアンレーベル、USC(United Studios Corporation)より。EtherことAlexey Sirotkinの新しい作品がフリーでリリースされています。2003年から開始されたプロジェクトのようですが、リリースは今作と、ちょうど1年ほど前に同レーベルからでた“Comm”以外、見あたりません。Web上に個人のスペースも見つけられず、詳しい情報は得られませんでした。




    前作でもやはりNew AgeをまぶしたAmbient/Electroniaな作風だったけれど、あちらはコズミックな雰囲気が印象的だった。そちらも素敵な作品なので、下に1曲貼りつけておきます。お聴きください。サウンドはそのままに、作品にあわせてキッチリ描くイメージを変えることができるのは、やはり才能なのでしょう。宇宙やシルクロードといった、いわば自然をテーマに据えることが多いようですが、とくれば、次は深海をテーマにして、やって欲しいですね。
