30 May 2014

Nickolay Fedorenko - Dance Planet

Record: 2012-2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1405.0207
Traditional Electronic, Trance

Look into the sky and you will see the austere motion of spherical bodies as if they perform the perfect space dance. Planets, moving along orbits, experience a lot of effects: the changing of seasons, solar storms, space radiation, however they don't reduce the tempo for a moment. Comets and asteroids attempt to break the lasting balance at times, but, even if they exert a shattering impact to the surface, they rarely can affect the rotating velocity of graceful dancers. They aim to continue the dance endlessly.

1 May 2014

Rigel Centaurus - Центр галактики (Galactic Center)

Record: 2013 • Edition: 2014 • USC-WR-1405-0206

Galactic center is relatively small - about 1000 parsecs. Hidden behind the clouds of gas and dust, it is a real stellar nursery. The formation of galaxy began here. Around the giant space monster - a supermassive black hole located in the heart of the galaxy, stellar population is most plentiful. If the stars in the center of the galaxy have civilizations, they may be billions of years older than humanity. During this time they could have reached a level of development that comparing to us they are like gods, which as a wise guardians of the order watching the fragile mechanism of galaxy, skillfully adjust and fix it, keeping the balance of power in space.